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Abstract: In both written and spoken Chinese, "一把" is used very extensively. Although the structures of "一把" have the similar external forms, their internal meanings are different. The semantic formation process involves metonymy, metaphor and other cognitive psychological process. As a quantifier or an adverb, it reflects the Chinese special cognitive style and the strong ideographic function. Therefore, it should be classified before C-E translation is done by adopting different methods. In this paper, combining corpus resource with Newmark’s translation theory, the features of "一把" are analyzed and its classification is presented. Then, the corresponding translation methods are proposed and the reasons are given. Finally, the author sums up the similarities and differences between different types of translation, and puts forward the rules of C-E translation of this structure.


Key words: the structures of "一把"; semantic translation; communicative translation; corpus; quantifiers





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Previous Studies Abroad-1

1.2 Previous Studies at Home-2

2. Newmark’s Translation Theory-2

2.1 Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation-3

2.2 Similarities and Differences between ST and CT-4

2.3 Application of ST and CT-5

3. Classification of the Structures of "一把"-7

3.1 "一把" + Nouns-7

3.2 "一把" + Verbs & Verbs + "一把"-9

4. Translation Methods of "一把"-9

4.1 Translation Method of Its Collocation with Singular Nouns-10

4.2 Translation Method of Its Collocation with Plural Nouns-11

4.3 Translation Method of Its Collocation with Uncountable Nouns-12

4.4 Translation Method of Its Collocation with Verbs-14

4.5 Translation Rules of "一把"-15

5. Conclusion-16

