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Abstract: In such a booming global village, Chinese people’s need of foreign knowledge is increasing, while reading, watching or listening to news is one efficient and convenient way to know the world. People keep up with the times because of the news broadcasting. Therefore, the translation of English news seems obviously significant. The style of writing between soft news and hard news is different. In soft news, the significance of the event is more important than the timeliness. Soft news pays more attention to the detail description of the event and the use of the buzzwords and quotations, in order to strike a responsive chord with the readers from the emotional side. As a consequence, soft news can interest more readers for its enjoyment and entertainment. According to the lexical features and the definition of English soft news, this thesis analyses and appreciates the translations with Skopostheorie.


Key words: English soft news; lexical features; translation; Skopostheorie





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Purpose and Significance of the Study-1

1.2 Previous Studies on Soft News Translation-2

2. Soft News and Lexical Features-3

2.1 Definition of News-3

2.2 Hard News Vs. Soft News-3

2.3 Lexical Features-4

2.3.1 Wide Use of Simple Words-4

2.3.2 New Coinages—— Old Words with New Senses-5

2.3.3 Abbreviations and Acronyms-6

2.3.4 Vast Use of Loan Words-9


3.1 The Origin and Development of Skopostheorie-10

3.2 Three Rules of Skopostheorie-12

3.2.1 Skopos Rule-12

3.2.2 Coherence Rule-13

3.2.3 Fidelity Rule-13

3.3 The Connections between Soft News Translation Strategies and Skopostheorie-14

4.E-C Translation Strategies for Soft News Vocabulary from the Perspective of Skopostheorie-14

4.1 Amplification-14

4.2 Domesticating Method-16

4.3 Adoption of Buzzwords-18

4.4 Reorganization-20


