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Abstract:  In response to the severe deterioration of the ecological condition caused by aggressive human economic activities, various ideological trends of ecology consciousness have arisen, among which deep ecology is an important one. It contains the two norms of Bio-centric Equality and Self-realization. This paper is a study of deep ecological ideas in Life of Pi, a novel that has won readers’ high praise and a series of prizes since its publication in 2001. So far, studies on the novel are mainly centered around its theme, usage of metaphors, and religion and cultural symbols, almost none of these are concerned with the ecological thoughts the novel embodies. Therefore, based on the Deep Ecology Theory, this paper attempts to inquire into the relationships presented in the novel between human and nature, and between people and self, analyze the major types of imbalance and the roots of the problems, and seek possible pathways of returning to nature. The study is conducted in the hope of providing a perspective for building harmonious relationships between human and nature.

Key words: Life of pi; Deep Ecology Theory; relationship imbalance; human and nature; anthropocentrism





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Yann Martel and His Life of Pi-1

1.2 Purpose of the Study-3

2. Literature Review and Theoretical Foundation-3

2.1 Related Studies on Life of Pi-4

2.2 Two Norms of the Deep Ecological Theory-6

3. Analysis on Relationship Imbalance in Life of Pi-7

3.1 Imbalance between People and Nature-8

3.2 Imbalance between People and Self-10

3.3 Reasons of the Imbalances-12

4. Discussion on Pathways of Returning to Nature-14

4.1 Return to Nature in Physical Sense-15

4.2 Return to Nature in Spiritual Sense-16

5. Conclusion-18

