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Abstract: Eco-feminism represents the movements and philosophies that link feminism with ecology. To alter people’s established values, it interprets ecological issues from a gender perspective and reflects on the repression of women and destruction of environment. Out of Africa is Isak Dinesen’s autobiographical novel. The protagonist Karen was once the synonym of vanity, ignorance and selfishness. However, with a strong personality and a spirit of resistance, she grows up in Africa and turns into a brave and determined woman. In the patriarchal society, she strives for equality, freedom and independence. The paper attempts to analyze the novel Out of Africa from the perspective of eco-feminism, interpret the dual values of ecologism and feminism embodied in the novel and reveals the viewpoint of anthropocentrism and androcentrism.


Key words: Out of Africa; eco-feminism; Karen; anthropocentrism; androcentrism





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction of Out of Africa-1

1.2 An Overview of Eco-feminism-3

2. Ecological Writing in Out of Africa-4

2.1 Relationship between Human and Nature-4

2.2 Relationship between Colonists and Aborigines-6

3. Feminist Writing in the Exploration of the Protagonist-8

3.1 At the Beginning of Exploration—Entering Africa-8

3.2 The Difficulties of Exploration-Gradually Fitting into Africa-9

3.3 The Climax of Exploration—Falling in love with Africa-11

3.4 The End of Exploration—Walking Out of Africa-12

4. Eco-feminist Writing in Out of Africa-13

4.1 Anti Anthropocentrism Writing-13

4.2 Anti Androcentrism Writing-15

5. Conclusion-17

