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Abstract: Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man is acclaimed as an epic of modern black American literature. Based upon the previous studies, this paper interprets this novel from the perspective of Bakhtin’s carnival theory. It first analyzes the carnivalistic characteristics in the novel, namely, carnivalistic figures, carnivalistic squares, carnivalistic rituals, and then the spirit of duality embodied in these carnivalistic figures, squares and rituals. It can be concluded that this novel is a carnivalized novel with profound meaning of duality. And the carnival spirit and carnivalistic duality contribute to the break of the binary opposition and provide the black a way to obliterate the white supremacy, regain freedom and realize their values.


Key words: Invisible Man; carnival theory; carnivalistic features; carnivalisctic duality






2.-Carnivalistic Features of Invisible Man-3

2.1 Carnivalistic Figures in Invisible Man-3

2.2Carnivalistic Squares in Invisible Man-5

2.3 Carnivalistic Rituals in Invisible Man-8

3.-Carnivalistic Duality Embodied in Invisible Man-10

3.1 The Carnivaliatic Duality in Carnivalistic Figures-10

3.2The Carnivaliatic Duality in Carnivalistic Squares-13

3.3 The Carnivaliatic Duality in Carnivalistic Rituals-15


