
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-09
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Abstract: There are few differences in the classification of basic color words in English and Chinese. The existence of color itself will not change because of regional or national differences, but people’s perception of color and the use of color words will inevitable be influenced by people’s different historical backgrounds, national psychology, religious beliefs, cultural traditions and so on. Based on the study of functional equivalence theory, this paper first explores the different meanings of color words in different contexts and their translation, and then puts forward some practical strategies for the C-E translation of color words.


Key words: color words; functional equivalence theory; translation barriers; literal translation; free translation; Addition; Borrowing





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 Research on Color Words-1

2.2 Color Words Translation-3

2.3 Overview of Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory-4

2.3.1 Origin-4

2.3.2 Main Contents-5

3. Barriers to Color Word Translation in Different Contexts-7

3.1 Difficulties in Basic Color Word Translation-7

3.2 Difficulties in Culture-loaded Color Word Translation-8

3.2.1 Different Use of Color Words in Economy-9

3.2.2 Different Use of Color Words in Politics-10

3.2.3 Different Use of Color Words in Custom-11

4. C-E Translations of Color Words in Light of Functional Equivalence Theory-12

4.1 Application of Functional Equivalence Theory in C-E Translation of Color Words-12

4.2. Strategies for C-E Translation of Color Words-14

4.2.1 Literal Translation-14

4.2.2 Addition-15

4.2.3 Borrowing-16

4.2.4 Free Translation-18

5. Conclusion-19

