
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-09
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Abstract: In recent years, China’s export growth rate declines continuously, though cross-border E-commerce has maintained strong growth momentum. On the one hand, all the domestic E-commerce business magnates start cross-border E-commerce business; on the other hand, the traditional foreign trade enterprises begin transforming to cross-border collective E-commerce. And cross-border E-commerce will face a “golden age” from the perspective of the foreign trade market space. The bottleneck restricting the development of cross-border E-commerce lies in policy, technology, finance and settlement. The relevant departments and the majority of the E-commerce business enterprises have introduced support policies, such as strengthening the market regulation, improving the payment and logistics system, to protect the cross-border-commerce development effectively. So this thesis would like to take “Kaola” as an example to make a brief analysis on the development situation and future of cross-border E-commerce.


Key words: cross-border; E-business; E-commerce; Kaola





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Reviews-1

2.1 Previous Studies on Cross-border E-commerce-1

2.2 Trade Patterns of Cross-border E-commerce-2

2.2.1 Different Trade Patterns of Cross-border E-Commerce-2

2.2.2 Different Category Preferences and Target Market-3

3. The Development Situation of Cross-border E-commerce in China-5

3.1 The Reasons of Development of Cross-border E-commerce-5

3.2 The Development Situation of Cross-border E-commerce-7

3.3 The History and Development Situation of Kaola-9

4.Obstacles and Suggestions to Cross-border E-commerce-10

4.1 Obstacles of Cross-border E-commerce-10

4.2 Suggestions to Cross-border E-commerce-14

4.3 Obstacles and Practice to Kaola-17

5. Conclusion-18

