
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-09
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Abstract:As a kind of social speech acts to maintain and improve human relationships, compliments are widely employed. Compliments can shorten the distance between people and create a harmonious atmosphere where communication can proceed more smoothly. Studies abroad on compliments are plenty and fruitful, yet domestic studies start relatively late and most of them are introductory work of the research results of English compliments. There are few systematic researches on Chinese compliments. Therefore, on the basis of previous researches, this paper will make a comparative study on the similarities and differences of English and Chinese compliments and responses from a cross-cultural perspective, attempting to explore the reasons behind the differences and work out strategies to employ and respond to compliments more appropriately in cross-cultural communication.  


  Key Words: compliments and responses; cultural differences; comparative study





1. Introduction-3

1.1 Significance of the Study-3

1.2 Theme and Aims of the Study-3

1.3 Scope of the Study-4

2. Review of Related Studies-4

2.1 Studies on Functions of Compliments-5

2.2 Studies on Employment of Compliments-7

2.3 Deficiencies of Previous Studies-9

3. Major Similarities and Differences between English and Chinese Compliments-9

3.1 Topics of English and Chinese Compliments-10

3.2 Response Strategies of English and Chinese Compliments-14

4. Culture Reflections on English and Chinese Compliments-21

4.1 Cultural Influence on Compliment Topics-21

4.2 Cultural Influence on Compliment Response Strategies-23

5. Strategies of Coping with Cultural Differences in the Use of Compliments-25

5.1 Acquiring Sufficient Linguistic and Pragmatic Knowledge-25

5.2 Developing Sense of Cultural Differences and Skills of Cross-cultural Communication -26

6. Conclusion-26

