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Abstract: The paper, based on Verschueren’s Linguistic Adaptation Theory, analyzes the contextual correlates of adaptability, structural objects of adaptability, the dynamics of adaptability and salience of adaptation processes of euphemism. The author finds that the application of euphemisms is a dynamic choice-making adapting to context correlates and structural objects and being influenced by different degree of salience of adaptation processes. As a result, the strategy of euphemism is a kind of choice-making which can be influenced by category, grammar and context in business letter and the process of it is under the control of different degrees of salience of the language user.


Key words: euphemism; business letters; adaptation theory





1. Introduction-1

2. Euphemism and Business Letters-2

2.1 The definition and functions of euphemism-2

2.2 The classification and the functions of business letters-3

3. Verschueren’ s Linguistic Adaptation Theory-5

3.1 Contextual correlates of adaptability-6

3.2 Structural objects of adaptability-6

3.3 Dynamics of adaptability-7

3.4 Salience of adaptation processes-7

4. Adaptability of euphemism in business letters-8

4.1 Contextual correlates of adaptability of euphemism-8

4.1.1 In cognitive context-9

4.1.2 In social context-11

4.2 Structural objects of adaptability of euphemism-16

4.2.1 In category-16

4.2.2 In grammar-18

4.3 Dynamics of adaptability of euphemism-19

4.3.1 In cognitive context-19

4.3.2 In social context-20

4.3.3 In category-22

4.3.4 In grammar-22

4.4 Salience of adaptation processes of euphemism-22

5. Conclusion-24

