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Abstract: With the changing and volatile world situation, the quality of foreign affairs translating plays an increasingly important role in a diplomatic occasion. Given the fact that China is actively involved in international affairs, there is a desperate demand for translators to be highly aware of the appropriate translation methods of this Chinese spokesmen’s parlance. The paper aims to figure out the features of China’s foreign affairs translating and demonstrates corresponding translation methods, which can be used for reference and guide in future study.   


Key words: foreign affairs translating; translation method; function equivalence; unpacking; context





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Features of Foreign Affairs Translating in New Era-3

3.1 Quotation of Famous Poems and Sayings-4

3.2 Down-to-earth Language-4

3.3 Different Implication in Different Context-7

4. Workable Translation Methods-8

4.1 Functional Equivalence-8

4.1.1 Definition of Functional Equivalence-9

4.1.2 Application of Functional Equivalence-10

4.2 Free Translation-12

4.2.1 Definition of Free Translation-12

4.2.2 Rules of Free Translation-13

4.2.3 The Function and Use of Free Translation-13

4.3 Unpacking-15

4.3.1 Definition of Unpacking Method-15

4.3.2 Tapes of Unpacking Method-16

4.3.3 The Function and Use of Unpacking Method-16

5. Conclusion-17

