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Abstract: There are more than 3,400 colorful figures portrayed in the Bible. Among them, females only accounted for the total number of 5% and 80% of women appear in the Old Testament of the Bible. Written by men, the Old Testament is in fact a product of patriarchal culture. Most women in the book are described as “the Other” by men authors. They live in a male-dominated society, being submissive and obedient. Therefore, they lack subjective consciousness of equality, self-autonomy and independence. However, the Book of Ruth and the Book of Esther, both are named by two women’s names, vividly describe the awakening of the consciousness of female subjectivity in the patriarchal culture. For this reason, we cannot only simply claim that the Old Testament completely serves for the patriarchal society. According to the interpretation of three women representatives: Eve, Ruth, Esther, this paper dedicates to analyze women images as “the Other” in the Old Testament and to explore the missing and awakening of consciousness of female subjectivity. Thus, this paper can help academic members have a better understanding of the value of the Bible. At the same time, women’s life in the Old Testament paves the way for modern women’s exploring their living status. Based on the awakening of consciousness of female subjectivity, modern women can pay more attention to their own value and realize their pursuit for self-worth. 

Key words:  The Old Testament  women  “the Other”  female subjectivity





1 Introduction-1

2 Women as “the Other” in the Old Testament-2

2.1 Eve: One of Adam’s Ribs-2

2.1.1 The Story of Eve-3

2.1.2 The Status of Eve as “the Other”-4

2.2 Ruth: A Virtuous and Strong-minded Woman-4

2.2.1 Ruth’s Choice-5

2.2.2 The Analysis of Ruth’s Personal Image-6

2.3 Queen Esther-7

2.3.1 Esther: A Woman in Politics-7

2.3.2 The Charm of Esther: A Helper of Mordecai-8

3 The Analysis of Women as “the Other” in the Old Testament-10

4 The Relationship Between Women’s Other Images and Personal Value-12

4.1 The Impact of Women’s Other Images on Contemporary Women-12

4.2 Women’s Other Images Do not Affect Their Pursuit for Personal Value-12

5 Conclusion-13


