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 Abstract:Holy Bible is a treasure in the western literature. It is worthy for everyone in the world to learn and gain reflections. With this paper, readers would arouse deep understandings toward the biblical women and take further introspection to women. Firstly, this paper profiles the Holy Bible, and summarizes people’s general understanding toward it. In the second part, stories and enlightenment of five women in Holy Bible will be listed and analyzed for modern women’s self-improvement. The third part has a brief introduction of modern women’s status and image, analyzes the necessity of self-improvement, as well as the anticipation and requirements of modern women. The last part is a conclusion of the enlightenment. Through the analysis of biblical women, they can refine characteristics which are worthy of their learning.

Key words:Holy Bible women’s images modern women enlightenment






Chapter One: Stories and Enlightenment of Five Women in Holy Bible-2

1.1 Stories and Enlightenment of Eve-2

1.2 Stories and Enlightenment of Miriam-3

1.3 Stories and Enlightenment of Delilah-4

1.4 Stories and Enlightenment of Ruth-5

1.5 Stories and Enlightenment of Esther-7

Chapter Two: Modern Women-9

2.1 The Necessities of Self-Improvement of Modern Women-9

2.2 Requirements to Modern Women-9

2.3 Enlightenment for Self-Improvement of Modern Women-10



