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 Abstract:This paper, based on the theories of linguistics and pedagogy that concerns the background of English education in China, attempts to demonstrate the effects of recitation in English learning for junior middle school students through a detailed and overall evaluation, and help people establish a scientific belief of the effects. The research will be done by the following approaches: review the document, do a survey and observe in a real scene of learning and teaching. The effects will be discussed in a general case we may familiar with and the specific cases concerning different variations like learning motivation, learning styles and learning stages. However, before the analysis comes to this point, some other related and necessary elements,such as the definition of recitation and the current situation of English recitation in junior school are touched upon, which serves to help people understand the paper better. In the end, the paper tells us that the effects of recitation for Junior middle school students is not fixed because they vary due to the elements to which they attach to. 


Key words: the effects of recitation; general case; variations of learning which may result in different effects






1 Literature review-2

1.1The Concept and Classification of recitation-2

1.2Studies on the Theories of Recitation-3

1.3Experiemantal Design-4




1.3.4Progress Design-5

2 More Detailed Effects of Recitation in a General Perspective-5

2.1 To Help Students Establish a Correct Language Belief-5

2.2 To Cultivate the Students’ Language Sense-8

2.3 To Help Students Get Confidence in Language Learning-9

2.4 To Enhance the skill To Memorize-11

3The Effects on the Students in a Specific Perspective-12

3.1 The Effects of Recitation on Tests-13

3.1.1 The Detailed Effects on the Tests-14

3.2The Effects on the Students, Considering Their Cognitive Styles-15

3.2.1 The Effects on Students of Reflective Styles-16

3.2.2 The Effects on Students of Impulsive Cognition-16

4The Effects of Recitation in Different Learning Stage-17

5 Some Tips to Make the Positive Effects to the Utmost-19

5.1 The Current Situation of English recitation in Junior Middle School-19

5.2the tips-19

6 Conclusion-21


