
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-11
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Abstract: This dissertation researches the current situation of rural junior high school students’ self-efficacy in English speaking through questionnaire survey and interview as well as literature study. The paper is based on the self-efficacy theory put forward by Bandura and the facts of rural junior high school students’ English speaking performance. In the first part of findings, the write states that most rural junior high school students’ self-efficacy is not strong enough according to related researches and the results of the Questionnaire on Students’ Self-Efficacy in English Speaking, which is delivered among 100 rural junior high school students. Then reasons for students’ low level of self-efficacy are summarized through literature study and personal interview. They can be mainly divided into two groups including students’ internal causes like poor knowledge foundation, psychological barriers and negative attribution. And   social factors like the shortage of oral English practice resources, high-pressured learning environment and negative influence of traditional evaluation method. Accordingly, several strategies for English teachers to develop students’ self-efficacy in English speaking are put forward. For example, teachers can pay more attention to enrich students’ English speaking knowledge and create easy relationship with students and classroom atmosphere to relieve students’ psychological barrier in English speaking. Set social models for students. Persuade students into believing their abilities. Help students with positive attribution. Widen the ways for students’ to practice speaking English, and use multi-evaluation method to inspire them and guide them to establish firm self-efficacy.


Key words: self-efficacy rural junior high school students English speaking






1.1research background, purposes and contents

1.2significance of the study

1.3Structure of the study

II.Literature review

2.1Review on self-efficacy at home and abroad

2.2Review on rural junior high school students’ oral English learning


3.1Research questions


3.3Research methods

IV.Findings and discussion

4.1 Current situations of students’ self-efficacy in English speaking

4.2 The reasons for their deficiency in self-efficacy in English speaking

4.3 Strategies to develop students’ self-efficacy in English speaking




5.3Suggestions for future research

