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Abstract: Peer cooperation is a key concept in nowaday’s teaching practice. This paper analyzes the definitions and development of peer cooperation, studies the theoretic foundation of cooperative English writing teaching, conveys the status quo of English writing teaching in junior high schools. In order to improve English writing teaching under peer cooperation, some activities are introduced. This paper aims at forming a new type of English writing teaching, improving the students’ writing ability and enhancing the teachers’ competence of English writing teaching in junior high schools. 

Key words: Peer cooperation, English writing teaching, junior high schools






1 Peer Cooperation-1

2.1 Definitions of peer cooperation-1

2.2 The emergence and development of peer cooperation-3

2.2.1 The emergence of peer cooperation-3

2.2.2 the development of peer cooperation-4

2.3 The theoretical foundation of peer cooperation-5

2.3.1 Motivation Theory-5

2.3.2 Cognitive Development Theory-5

2.3.3 Knowledge Construct Theory-5

2.3.4 Process Writing Theory-6

2 The Status Quo of English Writing Teaching in Junior High School-6

3.1 For teachers-7

3.1.1 Product-oriented teaching-7

3.1.2 Vague feedback-7

3.2 For students-7

3.2.1 Students’ fear of writing in English-7

3.3.2 Weakness of basic knowledge: poor vocabulary, grammar or reading-8

3 Peer Cooperation Activities in the Process of Writing-8

4.1 Activities in pre-writing-8

4.1.1 Grouping in a reasonable way-8

4.1.2 Discuss with peers about the topic for writing in the group to create a motivation to write-9

4.1.3 Brainstorming with peers in the group-9

4.1.4 cooperating with peers in the group to make an outline-10

4.2 Activities in while-writing-10

4.2.1 First draft cooperative writing-10

4.2.2 Peer evaluation and giving feedback-11

4.3 Activities in post-writing-12

4.3.1 Cooperative revision-12



