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     When we talk about teaching aids which can improve our teaching in the classrooms, now we are keen about some high-Tec teaching aids like Internet projector and some others. But traditional material—the picture which is cheap,simple,convenient and flexible has enough advantages to attract students’ attention in junior high schools.This paper classifies pictures into three types, analyzes the necessity of using pictures in junior school English classroom and explores how teachers make use of them effectively in junior middle school and how the pictures help students arouse their interest in learning English and develop their abilities such as observation,expression, memory and so on. In a word, this paper aims to provide the teachers with some advice to make pictures a valuable teaching aid and improve their teaching.


Key words: pictures  junior school English classrooms  using






1. Some important issues about using pictures in language classes-6

1.1 Using pictures as a teaching idea and a teaching aid-6

1.2 Benefits of using pictures in language classes-7

1.3Classifications of pictures in language classes-7

2.How to use pictures effectively in junior high school English classrooms.-8

2.1Using picture cards-9

2.1.1The application of the picture cards-9

2.1.2How picture cards help the students develop their abilities effectively.-10

2.2Using blackboard drawing.-11

2.2.1The application of the blackboard drawing .-12

2.2.2How blackboard drawings help students develop their abilities effectively.-14

2.3using graphics-15

2.3.1the application of graphics-15

2.3.3how graphics help students develop their abilities.-17

3.Things teachers should avoid when using pictures in junior high school English classrooms-18



