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Abstract:Phonetic teaching in primary school and secondary school in our country has made significant progress in recent years. Schools pay more attention to pronunciation and oral English, especially to alphabet teaching. However, the emphasis on intonation, liaison and stress is far from enough. Although students have learned English for as long as 12 years when graduate from high school, most of them can't speak English as fluent as native speakers. Therefore, it is important to pay more attention to speech flow in college English teaching. This dissertation is intended to study stress in English. Firstly, I will analyze the necessity and significance of stress teaching. Then, I will summarize the rules of word stress and sentence stress. Finally, I’d like to introduce efficient ways to teach English stress in college English class. 


Key words: college English; speech flow; stress rules; stress teaching






Chapter I. Word Stress-9

2. 1 Domestication-….9

2. 2 the number of syllables-.10

2. 3 Part of speech-11

2. 4 Suffix and the penultimate consonants-13

Chapter II. Sentence Stress-18

3. 1 The relationship of sentence stress and sentence elements. -18

3. 2 The rule of sentence stress-22

3. 3 Some special categories of sentence stress-24

3. 4 Stress Shifts-25

3. 5 Some parts of speech act as sentence stress-28

Chapter III. Stress Teaching-30

4. 1 Present Situation of Phonetics Teaching-30

4. 2 Word Stress Teaching-33

4. 3 Sentence Stress Teaching-35

Chapter IV. Conclusion-38
