对初中英语教材Go for It(第二版)的研究_英语论文.doc

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      A new wind of curriculum reform blew the whole China. The application of Go for It (2nd Edition) causes a great influence on the students and the teaching of it. Go for It has its own advantages and disadvantages. Some EFL teachers think of it as a good set of materials for the students in the high school, while others think it is not so good. However, so far very little research has been done to investigate the teaching effects of Go for It, and there is no specific research that specifically addressed the feasibility of Go for It. Therefore, the present research aims to find the fact that the teaching of Go for It.  Results of the research are project to reflect the real situation of English teaching and English curriculum reform.

Key Words: Go for It ; investigation; analysis;Suggestion





Chapter 1 Introduction-5

1.1The advantages of Go for It-5

1.1.1 The basic features of Go for it-6

1.1.2 Guiding Ideology-6

1.1.3 Principles of Go for It-7

1.2 Disadvantages of Go for It-8

1.2.2 Feasibility-9

Chapter 2 Main problems in the teaching of Go for It-9

2.1Existing research on the teaching of Go for It-9

2.2 Main problems in the teaching of Go for It-10

Chapter 3 Research Design-10

3.1 Objectives-11

3.2 Subjects-11

3.3 Instruments-11

3.4 Procedures-12

3.5 Data and data analysis-12

3.5.1 Table 1-13

3.5.2 Table 2-14

3.6. Feedback-16

Chapter 4 Discussions and suggestions-17

4.1 The overall situation-17

4.2 Suggestions:-18

Chapter 5 Conclusion-19

5.1 conclusions-19

5.2 The features of good materials (Tomlinson 1998: “Introduction”)-20


