
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-12
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Abstract: Pictures which have been used as a teaching aid have existed for quite a  long time in our daily teaching process. Although pictures used in our teaching process are very prevailing , the documents about systematical research of it is very limited, especially in Junior middle school English class. This paper intents to do some research about elaborating how pictures affect English class teaching and how to use pictures more effectively.  What’s more, the paper is going to give a detailed classification of pictures. At the same time it will explain how each type of pictures have effect on English teaching class as well .Exploring why and how to use pictures effectively for developing students’ “four skills” of  English. It will also explore  how to improve the way of English teaching based on those typical picture-aided teaching cases applied in listening, speaking, reading and writing English classes.

 Key words:  Pictures     Junior middle school English class      Application






1. Necessity of using pictures in Junior Middle Schools English class-6

1.1 Current Situation of English Teaching with Pictures-6

1.2 Benefits of using Pictures in language classroom-6

1.2.1Enhencing students’ interest-6

1.2.2Strenthening students’ memorization-7

1.2.3Stimulating students’ imagination and creativity-7

2. Literature Review on Using Pictures in Language Classroom-8

2.1 Some Language Teaching Approaches advocating the Use of Pictures-8

2.2 Classifications of Pictures for Language Teaching-9

2.2.1 Charts-10

2.2.2Breif drawing-12

2.2.3 Graphics.-14

3. Different Choices of Different Pictures for Different Educational Purposes-15

3.1To Distinguish the meaning of words-15

3.2To Visualize language description-16

3.3To Help Brainstorming-17

3.4To Enhance Basic Skill-18

4. Sample Teaching-19

4.1 Pictures Used for Listening class-19

4.2 Pictures Used for Speaking class-20

4.3 Pictures Used for Reading class-22

4.4 Pictures Used for Writing class-23



