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Abstract:Group work is a teaching method which is widely used in primary and secondary school language education. It can organize the students in different levels together, so the students can communicate with each other and learn from each other in the process of achieving goals. In addition, group work can create an active atmosphere in class. In group work, teachers become guides while students become the main part. Students can express their ideas and creativity bravely and freely, which makes English class interesting and lively. However, there are some problems in teaching practice, which strikes a blow to the effectiveness of group work. Therefore, effective group work needs teachers to follow the certain teaching principles and concepts and to design and organize carefully. This paper reviews the definition, forms and advantages of group work, and, combining with the characteristic of English class in junior high, puts forward some constructive suggestions aiming at the problem” how to manage group work effectively? ”, such as the principle of group work, the skills that teachers should adopt, feasible activities and so on.

Key words: group work teaching method English class constructive 






1. Introduction-1

1.1 Problems existing in group work-1

1.2The advantages of group work-2

1.2.1 The benefits for students-3

1.2.2 The benefits for teachers-4

2. Literature Review-5

2.1 The definition of group work-5

2.2 Forms of group work-5

2.2.1 Formal learning groups-5

2.2.2 Informal learning groups-6

2.2.3 Study teams-6

2.3The study of group work-6

2.3.1Theoratical basis-6

2.3.2The study of group work in China-8

3. Suggestions on using group work effectively in junior middle school classroom-8

3.1The principle of grouping students-8

3.2 Some skills in organizing group work in different teaching steps-9

3.2.1 In the step of practice.-9

3.2.2 In the step of consolidation-9

3.3 Things teachers should pay attention when organizing group work-10

3.3.1 Master the art of management and regulation-10

3.3.2 Trust, respect and appreciate students-10

3.3.3 Improve teachers’ comprehensive quality-11

3.4 Suggested activities for group work-11

3.4.1 Games-12


3.4.3 Interview-13

3.4.4 Role-play-14

3.4.5 Practiced dialogue-14

4. Conclusion-15


