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Abstract:Reading comprehension is the central part in English examination,and there are various factors which have influence on students’ performance in reading comprehension. One of them is the existed schema in students’ mind. The text type of the passage belongs to formal schemata, that is to say, it must play a significant role in reading comprehension. However, the students often ignore the importance of text type of the passage in handling reading comprehension. The study will be conducted to analyze the knowledge of text type functioning on aiding in comprehending passage, promoting to deduct, adjusting students’ attention in reading, obtaining orderly recall of the passage, processing the important information of the passage and functioning in inferential reconstruction with specific reading comprehension examples. The purpose of the study aims at arousing students’ awareness to apply the knowledge of text type to finishing reading comprehension, and improve the orderliness and efficiency when they conquer the problems occurring in reading comprehension.  

Keywords: text types  reading comprehension  schema theory  formal schemata





I. Introduction-5

II. The Situation of Senior High School Students’ Performances on Reading Comprehension-6

III. Modern English Reading Models-7

3.1 Bottom-up Model-8

3.2 Top-bottom Model-8

3.3 Interactive Reading Model-9

IV. Schema and Schema Theory-10

4.1 Schema and Schema Theory-10

4.2 Types of Schema-11

4.3 Functions of schemata-12

V. The Influences of Text Types on Reading Comprehension-14

5.1 Aiding in Comprehending Passage According to Organizational Structural Features-14

5.2 Adjusting Students’ Attention in Reading-14

5.3 Promoting to Deduct the Content and Structure of the Passage-15

5.4 Processing the Important Information of the Passage While Reading-17

5.5 Recalling Passage Content Logically and Effectively Based on Passage Structure-18

5.6 Functioning in Inferential Reconstruction by the Hint of Certain Elements or Structure of Different Genres-18

VI. Conclusion-18


