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AbstractCharles Dickens is one of the most important critical realistic writes in the nineteenth century Britain, he wrote many classic literary works during his life time, and does great contribution to European modern literature, and Oliver twist is one of his most famous novels. In this novel, Charles Dickens describes poor children’ suffering in the rule of bourgeois in the nineteenth century in an exquisite way, together with his rich life experience, precisely exposes the dark side and falsity of workhouses in capitalist society, which was of great influence on the polity, economy and culture at that time.

This thesis begins with the introduction of Charles Dickens’s life experience and the creation background of Oliver Twist, then briefly analyzes the different characters and different endings in the novel, combines existing research data both abroad and at home, briefly explores the influence that Oliver Twist bring to the society, hoping this thesis can be of some help to following researchers.


Key words: Oliver Twist Charles Dickens influence





Chapter 1 Introduction

 1.1 An introduction of Charles Dickens 

 1.2 An introduction of Oliver twist

 1.3 An introduction of the society backgrounds

Chapter 2 Literature Review 

 2.1 Research status

 2.2 Research Trends of Oliver Twist

Chapter 3 Different personalities and different endings

 3.1 Good people

 3.2 Bad people

Chapter 4 Influences that Oliver Twist brings to the society

 4.1 Educational influence

 4.2 Moral influence

 4.3 Political influence 

Chapter 5 Conclusion
