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     "Funisi" is the transliteration of "phonics", known as the English teaching method which is based on the accurate pronunciation, centered in fast reading abilities and emphasized the importance of phonological awareness. Through the intensive phonetic teaching, the Phonics English is able to combine the phonetic and the graphic together so that the students can read the words out when they see them, can write the words out when they hear them. The Phonics English seizes two rules of English teaching which make itself seem unusual: First, is to seize the phonetic rules of English language. English is different from Chinese—it is phonography. The writing symbols are records of oral language; the second is to seize the students’ psychological rule of learning—"easy to learn, able to learn, happy to learn, manage to learn". Those two features above can greatly improve not only the interest but also the efficiency of English learning. 

     But according to the current situation of English Teaching in China, phonetic teaching is one of the weakest links. Chinese students do not have a large-scale of authentic language environment and artificial emphasis on the phonological awareness. How to fully use the Phonics English to create a new effective way of English teaching strategies? Based on the purposes above, this paper mainly studies on primary Phonics English teaching strategies. Starting from a practical point of view, the study of stressing the phonological awareness and improving Phonics English teaching strategies will definitely enhance the teaching effects and development of Phonics English.      


     Key words: primary English; Phonics English; phonetic teaching 






1. Literature Review-3

1. 1 Current Studies of Phonetic Teaching-3

1. 2 Current Studies of Phonics English-4

1. 2. 1 The Definition of Phonics English-4

1. 2. 2 The Core Concepts of Phonics English-4

2.Theoretical Basis-7

2. 1 The Theory of Children's Cognitive Development-7

2. 2 The Audio-lingual Method-8

2. 3 Phonics and Students' Cognitive Activity-8

3.The Nature of Phonics English Teaching Strategies-10

3. 1 The Status of Phonics English Teaching Strategies-10

3. 2 Problems to be Solved-11

4.Strategies for Phonics English Teaching-13

4. 1 Strategies for Teaching Phonograms-13

4. 1. 1 Teaching Plans for Phonics English-13

4. 1. 2 Writing Preparation-15

4. 1. 3 Postures and Suggested Sentences for Classroom Use-15

4. 2 Teaching Plans for Phonograms-18

4. 2. 1 Teaching Plans for Single Phonograms-18

4. 2. 2 Teaching Plans for Multiple Phonograms-19



AppendixⅠThe 75 Phonograms-23

AppendixⅡThe Phonics English Testing Paper-25


