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Abstract: Reading can enhance the sense of language in English learning and enlarge the vocabulary. Through reading the classics, students can also cultivate the sentiments and broaden the horizon. 

When doing English reading exercises, what the students develop are their abilities which include enlarging the vocabulary, guessing the meaning of a word through the context and the knowledge of the background information of a passage. The high demand for the comprehensive abilities of reading makes teachers and students pay a lot of attention to reading.

In recent years, there are many researchers such as Rubin (1987), Oxford (1990), O’Malley (2001) and Chamot (2001) who research on English learning. They focus on learning strategies and have carried out some long-term studies. What’s more, they think mastering learning strategies is one of the key factors of reading well.

However, English teachers of senior high school in China just pay overmuch attention to vocabulary and grammar, so they lay one-sided emphasis on the authority of teachers’ and standard answers, and they follow the method of translating English into Chinese sentence by sentence. At the same time, they also neglect training students’ abilities of autonomous learning and enriching students’ cultural knowledge. That results in students’ failure of mastering related reading strategies or knowing some theories but being unable to use them flexibly. When reading without the help from teachers, students will feel at loss, their speed of reading will be slow, and the capability of generalization and summarizing will not be ideal. Thus, their condition of reading comprehension will not be satisfying and students will lose heart and interest in reading. Therefore, this paper focuses on the development, concrete content and the classification of learning and reading strategies, and it also studies on how to enable students in senior high school master reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and predicting. In addition, some problems of students’ reading strategy use in high school are found and some suggestions are given to teachers in senior high school through the questionnaire and interview.


Key words: students in senior high school English reading learning strategy reading strategy






1 Literature Review-4

1.1-Review of learning strategies-4

1.1.1 The development of learning strategies-4

1.1.2 Definition and content of leaning strategies-6

1.1.3 The classification of learning strategies-7

1.2-Review of reading strategies-8

1.2.1 Definition of reading strategies-8

1.2.2 Reading strategies-8

2 Research design-10

2.1 The purpose of the study-10

2.2 Subjects-10

2.3 Procedures-11

2.3.1 Questionnaire Design-11

2.3.2 Interview-11

3 Results & discussion-12

3.1 Application of Reading Strategies-12

3.2 Analysis of the Interview-16

3.3 The Problems of Students in Grade One of Senior High School-17

4 Suggestions and limitation.-19

4.1 Suggestions for teaching.-19

4.1.1 Activate prior knowledge-19

4.1.2 Cultivate Vocabulary-20

4.1.3 Increase reading rate-20

4.1.4 Build motivation-21

4.2 Limitations of the research-21




