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This research studies the correlation between High school students’ initiative of English learning and the level of their phonological awareness. The paper  summarizes the origin, development, definition of and relevant studies about phonological awareness, and then, the mental and physical characteristics of High school students and their English learning features. And detailed analysis and study of the data from the survey are presented in the paper. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between High School students’ initiative of English learning and the level of their phonological awareness, students’ English learning initiative is higher when they have higher level of phonological awareness, thus, they can get satisfying English grades and have better overall English language competence, therefore, some advice are provided in the end so that English teachers for senior high students could attach more importance to the teaching of phonology knowledge and the cultivation of students’ phonological awareness to grant students with an ever-improving English competence.

Key words: English phonological awareness; High school students; Initiative of English learning






1 Phonological Awareness-2

1.1 The Definition of Phonological Awareness-2

1.2 The Studies on Phonological Awareness-3

1.2.1 Studies Abroad-3

1.2.2 Studies at Home-4

1.3 The Ways to Measure the Level of a Student’s Phonological Awareness-6

1.4 The Aspects that a Student’s Phonological Awareness Influences upon His English Learning-7

2 Characteristics of High School Students-8

2.1 The Physical and Mental Characteristics of High School Students-8

2.2 The Characteristics of High School Students’ English Learning-9

2.2.1 The Methods of Their Learning-9

2.2.2 The Vulnerable Spots of English Learning-11

2.2.3 The Interests and Motivation of Students’ Learning-11

2.2.4 The Influence of The Teachers-12

3 The Correlation between High School Students’ Initiative of English Learning and Their Phonological Awareness-13

3.1 The Information and Data Obtained from the Questionnaire Survey Conducted before-13

3.2 Further Analysis about the Results of the Survey-18

3.3 Available Suggestions-18


