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The Catcher in the Rye written by J. D. Salinger set off a mixed, heated discussion as soon as published. It mainly describes the three-day New York life of Holden and shows us Holden’s progress from helpless exploration to final compromise. The highlight of it is the writer’s exquisite and profound analysis of Holden’s complex thought. In this book, Salinger captured and analyzed Holden’s conflict between his ideality and reality as well as gripped psychological characteristics of youth to performance Holden’s innocence, kindness and his absurdity and perversity which was contradictory and attractive. This paper would mainly focus on reading and researching to analyze Holden’s contradictory characteristics and reveal the reasons from society aspect, family aspect and Holden’s own aspect. Meanwhile this paper would also study the final epiphany of protagonist and the process of his reaching reconciliation with society. 

Key words: Holden; the contradictoriness of personality; epiphany






Chapter One The Contradictoriness of Holden’s Personality in The Catcher in the Rye-7

1.1 Holden’s Narcissism and Inferiority-7

1.2 Holden's Jejuneness and Precocity-9

1.3Holden’s Revolt and Compromise-11

Chapter Two The Reasons of Holden’s Contradictoriness-12

2.1 The Social Factors-12

2.2 Holden's Isolation from the Family-14

2.3 Holden’s Personality-15

2.3.1 Sensitivity-16

2.3.2 Alienation-16

Chapter 3 The Final Epiphany of Holden-17

3.1 Holden's Final Moment of Epiphany-17

3.2 Phoebe’s Efforts-18



