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Nowadays, with the rapid development of commodity economy, commercial advertising which is used to promote the products is paid more and more attention. With the globalization of economy, commercial advertising is becoming more international. We can see English advertisements everywhere. But commercial advertising English is different from other kind of language. It usually uses extremely funny and vivid expressions to show the advantages and characteristics of the products or services. So commercial advertising English has its own lexical features, syntactic features and rhetorical devices. We have done many researches about commercial advertising English but it is still not systematical enough. That’s why I want to do this research and I really hope that this research can help make it more systematical.

Key words: Commercial advertising English; Lexical features; Syntactic features; Rhetorical devices





1  Introduction.1

1.1 Research background.1-

1.2 Research purpose.1

2  Literature review2

2.1 Definitions and Classification of Advertisement.2

2.2 Function of Commercial Advertisement3

3  Linguistic Features of Commercial Advertising English.5

3.1 .Lexical Features of Commercial Advertising English.5

3.1.1 adjectives5

3.1.2 simple verbs6

3.1.3 new words7

3.1.4 numbers8

3.1.5 loanwords.9

3.2 Syntactic Features of Commercial Advertising English.9

3.2.1 simple sentences.10

3.2.2 elliptical sentences-10

3.2.3imperative sentences.-11

3.2.4 interrogative sentences--11

3.2.5the simple present tense-12

3.3 Rhetorical Devices in Commercial Advertising English.12

3.3.1 simile and metaphor-13

3.3.2 personification-14

3.3.3 parallelism-14

3.3.4 hyperbole.-15

3.3.5 contrast.-15

3.3.6 pun .-15

3.3.7 parody.--16


3.3.9 repetition-17

3.4 Summary17

4  Conclusion18

4.1 Implications of the Research18

4.2 Limitations of the Research 18

4.3 Suggestions for Future Research.18


