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The modern society has put forward higher requirements for English teaching. What a modern English class needs is no more than a teacher-directed class environment, or the textbook. Critical thinking, reading comprehension and the ability of expressing personal ideas have become the most important goal of learning a foreign language. Now that reading is so important, what we teachers need to do is to cultivate students’ reading skills. However, developing students’ reading ability seems impossible within one class, which is a long process. We call for using modern media to teach students a lot of vocabularies, increasing the number of reading materials. Modern media breaks the limitation between space and time. And it fastens the students’ learning process and proficiency. An the same time, teachers can give the special instruction to each students, teaching scientific method of solving problems, cultivating students’ reading habit. Reading is an activity of comprehending a topic, which gives useful help to an individual’s life. Reading is a dynamic process in which readers think over a problem or a solution for many times. It’s obvious for us to find the importance of reading. Considering that teachers always neglect the importance of cultivating students’ reading ability, this article is aimed at developing students reading skills, reading habits and attitude. And I wish it could be helpful to the teachers and students.


Key words: Reading; Reading Comprehension; Reading Skills





1  Introduction-1

   1.1 Research background, purposes and contents-1

   1.2 Significance of the study-1

   1.3 Structure of the study-2

2  Literature Review-3

   2.1 General introduction of Reading and reading comprehension-3

   2.2 Importance of Reading-3

   2.3 Introduction to Reading Models-4

3  Ways of Improving Reading Comprehension-6

   3.1 Knowledge about differences between Chinese and western culture-6

   3.2 Cultivation of the habit of reading-7

   3.3 Combination among listening, writing and reading with the help of Internet-9

4  Conclusion-11

   4.1 Implications-11

   4.2 Limitations-11

   4.3 Suggestions for future research-11


