
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-15
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English is a language,a tool of communication.The basic target of learning English for English learners is to use it or understand it effectively and correctly.But the traditional exam-oriented education focuses on cultivating students linguistic competence,but neglects cultivating students’ pragmatic competence.Many students can do well in exams,but failed to communicate with native speakers fluently.In order to draw people’s attention to the cultivation of students’ pragmatic competence,this paper elaborates it from following parts.Firstly,introduce the definition of pragmatics and pragmatic competence. Secondly,analyze the current situation of cultivating students’ pragmatic competence in China and in Some foreign countries,compare them and find out the differences between.Thirdly introduce the development of pragmatism and pragmatics.Fourthly analyze the importance and necessity of cultivating students’ pragmatic competence. Finally introduce some ways to cultivate students’ pragmatic competence.


Key words:Cultivate; Pragmatic competence; Pragmatic failure; Context 





1  Background Introduction-5

1.1 The definition of pragmatics-5

1.2 The definition of pragmatic competence-5

1.3 Current situation in China compared with the situation in some foreign countries-5

1.3.1 Current situation of pragmatic competence cultivation in Chinese middle school.-5

1.3.2 Current situation of pragmatic competence cultivated in schools of some foreign countries.-6

1.3.3 Compare the differences of cultivating pragmatic competence between in China and in some foreign countries.-7

2  Literature Review-8

2.1 Study abroad-8

2.2 Study in China-9

3  The importance and necessity of cultivating students’ pragmatic competence.-10

3.1 The importance of cultivating students’ pragmatic competence.-10

3.2 The necessity of cultivating students’ pragmatic competence.-10

4  How to cultivate students’ pragmatic competence in middle school.-12

4.1 Some examples in English textbook of middle school are designed to cultivate students’ pragmatic competence.-12

4.2 English teachers in middle school should take some measures to cultivate .students’ pragmatic competence.-13

4.2.1 Spoken-English training-13

4.2.2 Leading in the culture of English-speaking countries-13

4.2.3 Cultivating students’ pragmatic competence in context.-15

4.2.4 Using task-based language teaching method in English teaching-16

4.2.5 Using group cooperative learning-16

5  Conclusion-18

