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To some extent, marriage is a kind of ethic, which is the human’s attitude toward marriage. In the Christendom, all the Christians are affected by the  Bible, and they believe that marriage is the gift of God, which is holy and inviolable. In marriage life, husband and wife are a inalienable group, the meaning of marriage being not to breed but for maintain a good relationship between husband and wife. From the biblical stories, we could know about Christians’ marriage views and experience the deep influence these ideas had in western society.

     The  Bible is always a classic in the Christendom and marriage is related with people’s life. It is always the research topic of a large amount of western scholars. In recent years, there are more and more Christians in China, as a result of it, more scholars focus on exploring and researching the marriage ethics. These research will not only help human beings gain a better understanding of historical literature, but also produce real soul-searching which provides people new ideas for deal with these marriage problems in the modern society. 

Key words: Bible; Christ; marriage views






1  The Origin and Main Views of Marriage in the  Bible-2

1.1  The Origin of Marriage in the  Bible-2

1.2  The Main Views of Marriage in the  Bible-2

2  Positive Views about Marriage in the  Bible-4

2.1  Purpose of Marriage in the  Bible-4

2.2  Division of Duty in Marriage in the  Bible-5

2.3  Praise of pure love in the  Bible-7

3   Negative Views about Marriage in the  Bible-7

4  The Main Views and Problems in Marriage Now and Inspirations from the Biblical Views of Marriage-8

4.1  The Remaining Biblical Views of Marriage in Our Society-8

4.2  The Differences in Marriage Views Comparing with Biblical Views-9

4.3  The Main Problems in Marriage Now-10

4.4  The Inspirations from the Biblical Views of Marriage-11



