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This paper is focused on the translation of idioms as an issue of cross-cultural significance. As cultural translation is drawing more and more concern from scholars who study translation, t this thesis narrows down the discussion to the cross-cultural strategies for the English translation of Chinese idioms, since idioms are like a mirror reflecting culture, but are relatively difficult to be rendered into another language.

The thesis can be divided into three sections: the first section concerns translation theory, with the focus on Eugene Nida. The second section has four parts that explore from different perspectives the reasons why cultural differences brings difficulties in translation. The last section presents four methods of translation: literal translation, free translation, annotation, replacement, and in what circumstances the appropriate method is adopted. The last section is the main body of this article, merging translation with culture with examples to show the important role culture plays in the translation of Chinese idioms.


Keywords: translation of idioms; cross-cultural difference; translation strategy.





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 Culture-related Translation Theories-2

2.2 Other Views on Cross-cultural Translation-4

3. Cultural Differences in Translation-5

3.1 Geographic Environment-5

3.2 Customs-6

3.3 Religious Belief-6

3.4 Historical Anecdotes.-7

4. Strategies for English Translation of Chinese Idioms-7

4.1 Literal Translation-7

4.2 Free Translation-8

4.3 Annotation-9

4.4 Replacement-9

5. Conclusion-10

Works Cited-12
