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With the globalization and the rapid development of Chinese economic development, cultural interaction between Chinese and Western cultural becomes wider and wider. Western festivals, especially the Christmas and Saint Valentine's Day, are more and more popular among young people in China. This results in a heavy shock on traditional Chinese festivals. Our traditional festivals are suffering a cold and even decline. The purpose of this thesis is exploring the causes of major western festivals’ shock on traditional Chinese festivals, from the perspectives of Sino-western cultural exchange under globalization, Chinese economic development and the personalities of young people; external factors include the deficiency of contemporary education, the publicity of mass media and the speculation of businessmen. Finally, I hope we work together to preserve our traditional festivals.


Keywords: Chinese festivals; western festivals; shock; causes





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. The Causes of Major Western Festival’s Shock on Chinese Festivals-3

3.1 The Result of Sino-Western Cultural Exchange under Globalization-3

3.2 Chinese Economic Development-4

3.3 Personalities of Young People-6

3.4 Deficiency of Chinese Contemporary Education-8

3.5 The Publicity of Mass Media-9

3.6 The Speculation of Businessmen-9

4. Conclusion-10

Works Cited-12
