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The Weather Man is a modern film set in Chicago which narrates about David’s experiences. The film combines the masculinity crises, identity anxiety and harsh satire which men usually encounter in daily life with a light comedy atmosphere. Trivial affairs pile up the “fast food” living style of David, trap his social identity and further trigger the crisis of masculinity. This thesis, which is on the base of Connell’s three-part structure model of gender relations, examines David’s masculinity crises and deals with his efforts to reconstruct his male identity from the aspects of power relations, the production relations and emotional attachment.


Keywords: Connell; three-part structure model of gender relations; patriarchy; hegemonic masculinity






2.Literature Review1

3. Three relations in masculinity studies.3

3.1The definition of masculinity studies3

3.2The development of masculinity studies.4

3.3The meanings and relations of the three relations 5 

4.The crises of masculinity in The Weather Man 6

4.1 The collapse of David’s power in his family.6

4.2 The common problems arising from production relations7

4.3 The challenges of male in emotional attachment9

5. Reconstruction of male identity in The Weather Man11

5.1 Displaying the positive hegemony in power relations.11

5.2 Improving personal values in terms of production relations.12

5.3 Making proper compromises in emotional attachment.12

6. Conclusion13

Works Cited.15
