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Food culture, as an important part of the social culture, is the most direct and the most obvious way to express the international communication. Chinese culinary culture is broad and profound and Huaiyang Cuisine is famous as one of its consummation. 

Huaiyang Cuisine Translation is particularly important for the Huaiyang cultural diffusion. This thesis therefore formulates the “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, and Elegance” principles. Some examples will be illustrated to testify the applications of this principle in Huaiyang Cuisine translation. Also the author tries to propose some translation methods corresponding to different dishes. All in all, the author strives to make the translations reserve Huaiyang cultural connotations and its aesthetic style at the same time.


Keywords: Huaiyang Cuisine; “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, and Elegance” principles; translation methods





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 The process and status of Chinese dishes translation-1

2.2 The current circumstances of Huaiyang Cuisine translation-3

3. On Translation of Huaiyang Cuisine from the Angle of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”-3

3.1 The “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” principle-3

3.2 Applications of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance” in Huaiyang Cuisine translation-6

4. The Methods of Huaiyang Cuisine Translation-7

4.1 Literal translation-7

4.2 Transliteration-8

4.3 Transliteration and literal translation-8

4.4 Paraphrase-9

4.5 Transliteration and annotation-9

5. Conclusion-10

Works Cited-11
