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Teacher-student interaction in classroom teaching refers to the communication between teachers and students, and the dynamic process that relates to them, which occurs in the classroom teaching. Inclusive education refers to an educational concept which emphasizes the importance of accommodating all students against discrimination and exclusion, which is a kind of education with no rejection, discrimination, and classification. 

This paper focuses on teacher-student interaction in middle school English classroom and tries to combine it with the concept of inclusive education. The author firstly analyzes the implementation of inclusive education concept now in China and the current status of teacher-student relationship in middle school English classroom. Then, the author researches the significance of applying the concept of inclusive education to teacher-student interaction. Besides this, the author tries to provide effective solutions and suggestions for middle school English teachers on how to interact with their students in a more inclusive classroom environment with inclusive education concept. 


Key words: inclusive education; teacher-student interaction; classroom teaching; middle school English





1. Introduction-

2. Literature Review-

2.1 Foreign researches-

2.2 Domestic researches-

2.3 Summary-

3. Current Situation Analysis-

3.1 The implementation of inclusive education-

3.2 Teacher-student relationship in middle school English classroom-

4. Research Design-

4.1 Research objectives-

4.2 Research questions-

4.3 Research subjects-

4.4 Research methods-

4.5 Data collection-

5. Data Analysis and Findings-

5.1 Data analysis-

5.2 Findings-

5.3 Summary-

6. Conclusion-

Works Cited-
