
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-18
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Our government has attached great significance to the development of Xinjiang minority regions. To train high-quality all-around professionals for the future, the inland Xinjiang seniors are set up. Due to the historical, cultural and geographical differences, the inland teacher ought to pay attention to the uniqueness of the minority students in teaching.

To the minority students, the English mode of reception learning is L1-L2-L3. It is a phenomenon of third language acquisition and a hot issue in the field of linguistics, which has sprung up in 1980s. The influence of mother tongue’s transfer should not be neglected.

Based on the survey of the difficulties Uygur-native students (the preparatory class of Huaizhou Middle School) have in the course of English learning through a questionnaire, this paper analyzes the errors caused by Uighur among those Uygur-native students from four aspects: phonetics, grammar, collocations and pragmatics. Suggestions are offered to teachers to improve the overall quality of English learning for Uygur-native students in the future.


Key words:  English learning; language transfer; Uyghur-native students; TLA; pedagogical implications





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. The Research Background-2

3.1 The research methods-3

3.2 The data collection and analysis-3

4. Language Transfer and Language Layers-4

5. Language Transfer of Uyghur-native Students in English Learning-5

5.1 Phonetics-5

5.2 Grammar-8

5.3 Collocation errors-10

5.4 Pragmatics------cultural transfer-11

6. Pedagogical Implications-12

6.1 Predicting important teaching points for having a definite object.-12

6.2 Taking a correct attitude towards learner’s errors.-12

6.3 Enhancing the training of students’ thinking in English.-13

6.4 Expanding knowledge of English culture and eliminate cultural interference.-13


Works Cited-15

