
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-18
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With the improving importance of English, traditional teaching method can not fit the trend of the times. The teaching contents of English in most school are boring and are full of vapidity due to exam-oriented education. However, primary school is the critical period to lay foundation for English study, it is important to attract their attention in class so as to cultivate their interest in learning English. The new curriculum reform carried out in 2012 has brought substantial change to English books, the adding of English songs in primary school English books is one of it, from which we can see the importance of English songs in primary school English teaching. What’s more, the majority of primary school students are fond of singing, applying English songs which are simple and classical into class caters to their taste. But a plenty of teachers regard applying English songs within limited class time as a waste of time. In order to change their traditional thoughts, this paper will combine teaching aims after the new curriculum reform and the function of English songs in primary school, focusing on designing more effective ways to use English songs in class.


Keywords: new curriculum reform; primary-school English teaching; English songs






2.Literature Review2

2.1 The New Curriculum reform.2

2.2 Related research2

3. The aim of English teaching in primary school3

3.1 Language skill.3

3.2 Language knowledge .4

3.3 Emotion and attitude.5

3.4 Fundamental learning strategy5

4. The function of learning English songs.6

4.1 Cultivating the interests in learning English.6

4.2 Increasing Students’ Overall Quality.7

5. The design of ways to use English songs 7

5.1 Listening and imitating.8

5.2 Listening and punctuating.9

5.3 listening and gap filling9

5.4 Adaption and singing10

5.5 Creation and innovation11

5.6 Competition.12

6. Conclusion.13

Works Cited.14
