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With the development of globalization, the world's political, economic               and cultural communications are becoming increasingly frequent. Meanwhile, the role of translation cannot be ignored. Due to language and cultural disparity, reasonable translation is particularly important. How to deal with ellipsis in translation is one of the important aspects. The paper will explore ellipsis in English-Chinese translation from five aspects, which are ellipsis of pronouns, conjunctions, articles, prepositions, modifications, so as to achieve the purpose of smoother and clearer communication among China and English-speaking countries.


Keywords: translation; ellipsis; review






2.Literature Review2

3.Words to Omit .4

3.1 Useless and unnecessary words.5

3.2 Words with their implied meanings given in the text.5

3.3 Self-evident words .5

4.Different Kinds of Ellipsis.5

4.1 Ellipsis of articles .. 6

4.2 Ellipsis of prepositions.7

4.3 Ellipsis of pronouns7

4.4 Ellipsis of conjunctions.8

4.5 Ellipsis of rhetorics.9

5. Conclusion10

Works Cited.11
