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This thesis aims to discuss the cultural differences of translating English and Chinese idioms. This paper expounds the causes of cultural differences between English and Chinese idioms from the perspectives of history, geography, humanity, custom, religion and so on. Then, it discusses how to deal with the translation of English and Chinese idioms underlying the cultural differences and mainly manifested in two aspects: metaphorical characteristics and allusions characteristics. Then it summarizes some general translation methods of idioms, such as literal translation, liberal translation, amplification in translation and transferred translation. 


Keywords: English and Chinese idioms; cultural differences; translation methods






2.The Causes of Cultural Differences on English and Chinese Idioms1

2.1 Different Histories.2

2.2 Different Psychological Characters.3

2.3 Different Views of Cultural Values3

2.4 Different Religious Cultures.4

2.5 Different Living Environments.5

2.6 Different Conventions.6

3.The Manifestations of Cultural Differences while Translating English and Chinese Idioms7

3.1 Distinctions of Metaphorical Characteristics7

3.2 Distinctions of Allusions Characteristics8

4.Concrete Methods of Translation8

4.1 Literal Translation.9

4.2 Liberal Translation9

4.3 Amplification in Translation10

4.4 Transferred Translation11


Works Cited.12
