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As we all know, culture is the product of the society. To manifest culture, it can be in a variety of forms, and film is one of them. Therefore, film is a reflection of people’s prevailing concerns, attitudes, and beliefs. The film A Grandson from America tells the story between an American boy and a Chinese grandfather. This film not only brings the entertainment to the audience but also lets us know about the differences between Chinese and American culture and the process of attaining fusion. The thesis will take this film as a case study to explore the differences and fusion of Chinese and American culture as well as how to solve these differences to promote better intercultural communication.


Keywords: Chinese culture; American culture; A Grandson from America;

          cultural differences and fusion





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3.Language Differences and Fusion from A Grandson from America-3

3.1 Chinese dialect and American English-3

3.2 Communication manners in China and America-4

3.3 Nonverbal communication signals in Chinese and American culture-5

4. Dietary Differences and Fusion from A Grandson from America-6

4.1 Dietary concepts in China and America-6

4.2 Dietary patterns in China and America-7

5. Differences and Fusion of Chinese and American Values from A Grandson from America-8

5.1 Family values-8

5.2 Ways of thinking-9

5.3 Attitudes towards super heroes-10

6. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13
