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This thesis takes the public signs in two parks of Huai’an City as a case and it firstly describes the translation failures, including the linguistic and the pragmatic aspects, then it analyzes the reasons of translation failures with the examples in the parks. Lastly, this thesis also gives related suggestions on reducing the failure of translation. So this paper has the particularly importance for each tourist attraction in Huai’an to set up bilingual public signs and the great significance to the establish the city’s image. 


Keywords: public signs; translation; linguistic failure; pragmatic failure;  

          Chuxiu Park; Bochishan Park





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Failure Classification of Public Signs in the Two Parks-3

3.1 Linguistic failure-3

3.2 Pragmatic failure-5

4. Reasons Analysis on Translation Failure of Public Signs-9

4.1 The negative transfer of culture and thinking mode-9

4.2 The translator’s low language ability and weak responsibility-9

4.3 Lack of supervision mechanism and uniform standards-10

5. Strategies for Reducing Translation Failure of Public Signs-10

5.1 Translating based on target language culture-10

5.2 Raising some requirements on translators-11

5.3 Standardizing the translation-11

6. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-14
