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 One of the most significant linguistic categories in the study of language use and function is context of culture. Translation is an activity of communicate, it shouldn’t be unheeded that context of culture will inescapable affect translation to a great extent. Through the process of translation, it is often found that solid language skills seem to be far from guaranteed to produce a satisfactory translation. What really difficult and important is the translators’ command of the specific differences on the cultures between source text and translated text. In order to get a full comprehend of the significance of cultural context, one should pay enough emphasis on these specific reflections including that concerning times background, entrenched conventions, value preference, unique objects and some clever expressions embedding cultural factors. In a word, to be a successful translator, it seems that the ability to be a biculturist is much important than that to be a bilinguist, for words only possess meaning when culture functions. Therefore, it is very crucial for every translator to be not only a bilinguist but also a biculturist.

Keywords: context of culture; translation; pragmatic method





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 The concept of context of culture-2

3. The Importance of Context of Culture in Translation-3

3.1 Times background-3

3.2 Entrenched conventions-4

3.3 Value preference-5

3.4 Unique objects-6

3.5 Some clever expression embedding cultural factors-6

4. Pragmatic Methods to Meal with Context of Culture when Translating-7

4.1 Go-ahead model-7

4.2 The block model-9

4.3 The integration model-10

4.4 The annotation model-10

4.5 The adaptation model-11

5. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-13
