
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-18
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During translation, the linguistic and cultural differences between the source language and target language cause the lack of semantic meaning and aesthetic value of the source text easily. So translation compensation must be used to make up such losses. Since the 1980s, more and more translators have studied on translation compensation. Their research achievements had laid a firm foundation for further researches.

Based on translation compensation theory, this thesis tries to analyze compensation strategies applied in Sandalwood Death from the perspective of lexicon, grammar and discourse. This paper makes a brief explanation on translation compensation and looks back into its history. The author focuses on analyzing compensation strategies by adopting typical examples in Sandalwood Death, hoping to give a realistic guiding significance to further understanding of translation compensation.

Keywords: Sandalwood Death; translation compensation; compensation strategies





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 Synopsis of Sandalwood Death-2

2.2 Theory of Translation Compensation-2

2.3 Application of translation compensation in China and abroad-3

3. Translation of Sandalwood Death from the Perspective of Translation Compensation-5

3.1 Compensation on the lexical level-5

3.2 Compensation on the grammatical level-8

3.3 Compensation on the discourse level-10

4. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-13
