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Rainbow was one of D. H. Lawrence’s most successful social criticism novel, and it was his creation representing the highest achievement. The description of the three hostesses’ symbolisms in the novel of Rainbow, it analyzed the development and rise of independent sense of three generations’ women and showed women’s a self-discovery, self-development and self-rising process in the 19th century British .

In my paper, through the text analysis, the paper analyzed the marital problems in Brown family of the three generations, the causes of their marital problems, and marriage ending. This paper was to explore the similarities and differences of their views on marriage, their longing and the pursuit of ideal love and perfect marriage. Through the analysis, the thesis can conclude that the ideal marriage should be a feeling of integration between spirit and body.


Keywords: Lawrence;  Rainbow;  marriage views;gender relations





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Marital status of three generations-1

3.1 Tom and Poland widow’s marriage-1

3.2 Anna and his nephew Will’s marriage-2

3.3 Ursula and Kerensky’s love-3

4. Marriage difference of three generations-4

4.1The confused marriage of the first generation  -4

4.2 The ethereal marriage of the second generation  -5

4.3 The promising marriage of the third generation -5

5. The causes of marriage differences in three generations -6

5.1 The advent of the industrial time-6

5.2 The changes of matrimony-7

5.3The rising awareness of modern women-8

5.4 The changes of relation between the two sexes-9


Works  Cited-13
