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 With the development of information technology and the implementation of new curriculum reform, traditional teaching methods of English reading have been difficult for students to realize individualized and self-directed learning. In this situation, the micro video-based flipped classroom is paid attention more and more because of its own advantages. The flipped classroom not only reflect “student-centered” concept but also translates more teachers’ instruction into students’ active learning. What’s more, the flipped classroom model provides more choice for all students when they study by themselves. The main research work of this paper is aimed at the connotation, the implementation principles and the applications of flipped classroom in English reading instruction of junior middle school in order to solve the problems in reading instruction, optimize teaching results and provide a new way of improving autonomous learning ability and cooperation ability for students.


Key words: The flipped classroom; English teaching; reading instruction;

          Implementing principles; applications





1. Introduction-5

2. Literature Review-6

2.1 The definition of flipped classroom-6

2.2 Previous study of flipped classroom at home and abroad-7

3. Applications of Flipped Classroom in English Reading Instruction-9

3.1 Preparation before class-9

3.2 Reading instruction in class-12

3.3 Reflection after class-15

4. Conclusion-16

Works Cited-18
