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The purpose of senior high school’s English reading is to understand the deep meaning of discourse. In order to achieve this purpose, we must establish implicit coherence. This thesis first introduces some related concepts about implicit coherence, including the introduction to implicit coherence and the features of implicit coherence. Then, the thesis describes how to establish implicit coherence by means of context, world knowledge and the cognitive environment. Finally, it is concluded that the construction of implicit coherence is conducive to students' deep understanding of discourse.


Keywords: senior high school’s reading; implicit coherence;  ways of establishment






2.Literature Review2

3.Implicit Coherence.3

3.1 Introduction to implicit coherence.3

3.2 Features of implicit coherence3

4.Establishing Implicit Coherence in Senior High School’s Reading Passages4

4.1 Establishing implicit coherence by context7

4.2 Establishing implicit coherence by world knowledge9

4.3 Establishing implicit coherence by cognitive environment12

5. Conclusion.12

Works Cited.14
