
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(龚老师)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-20
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Teacher questioning is regarded as the core of effective teaching. Investigating the status quo and teaching efficiency of teacher questioning is of great significance to improve the teaching quality of English reading teaching. This research mainly analyzes the status quo of teacher questioning in English reading class of senior high school, and tries to find the problems about teacher questioning in classroom teaching practice. The study also changes the formal attitude which concerns that questioning is only related to teachers. Instead, it comes to further discussion about teacher questioning from the perspective of teachers and students. 

This research mainly adopted classroom observation and interview to study the problems in teacher questioning of English reading class in senior high school. According to the teacher-student interaction centered on the problems, the study tries to know the deficiencies in teacher questioning. The paper provides effective suggestions and better questioning strategies on how to employ teacher questioning, which can improve the teaching quality of English reading class in senior high school.


Keywords: senior high school; reading class; teacher questioning; 

          questioning strategies





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature review-2

2.1 Definitions-2

2.2 Previous studies of teacher questioning-2

2.3 Relevant researches abroad and at home-4

3. Methodology-5

3.1 Research objective-5

3.2 Research subject-5

3.3 Research instruments-5

3.4 Data collection and analysis-6

4. Problems in Teacher Questioning-6

4.1 Problems in teacher questioning from the teachers’ point of view-6

4.2 Problems in teacher questioning from the students’ point of view-7

5. Applications of Teacher questioning in Reading class-8

5.1 Designing appropriate questions-9

5.2 Providing enough wait-time for students-10

5.3 Providing appropriate feedback for students-10

5.4 Developing students’ interests in referential questions-11

5.5 Cultivating students’ confidence-12

6. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-15
