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In British and American literature, “revenge” is a very common theme. But when talking about this theme, people may usually think of a famous novel - Moby Dick. The main character Ahab’s self-dependence, craziness and resourcefulness left a deep impression on us. This thesis analyzes Ahab’s revenge in four parts fully and meticulously. The first part discusses the profound meaning of the theme of revenge. The second part analyzes avenger Ahab’s character in different aspects. The third part analyzes the target of revenge - Moby Dick. The last part analyzes the deep roots of Ahab’s revenge. The goal and value of this thesis are to explore the destiny, to seek the truth and to call for peace between man and nature. 


Keywords: revenge; Ahab; Moby Dick





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review1

3. The Theme of Revenge 2

3.1 Moral explorations about good and evil.2

3.2 Contemplation on fixed destiny and free will 3

4. Captain Ahab: The Vengeful Character.4

4.1 A self-dependent man .4

4.2 A crazy man 5

4.3 A resourceful man 6

5. Moby Dick: The Target of Revenge.6

6.Deep Roots of Revenge8


Works Cited.12
