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Based on the second language acquisition theory, this paper points out that cooperative learning has characteristics of mutual aid、complementarity、purposiveness and interactivity. It also analyzes the external and internal factors which influence students’ cooperative learning in English classes. Then, aiming at the problems existing in cooperative learning, this paper selects one specific mode of cooperative learning——STAD. Through analyzing the teaching process of STAD, this paper probes into how to carry out cooperative learning in English classroom teaching and finally provides four enlightenments for English teaching: first, teachers should keep a balance between groups and support colourful development in the group; second, teachers should regroup students to make more chances; third, teachers should adapt proper teaching methods according to different lesson types; finally, teachers should give students positive and effective evaluation.


Keywords: second language acquisition; cooperative learning; mode of STAD





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Cooperative Learning-3

3.1 Definition of cooperative learning-3

3.2 Characteristics of cooperative learning-4

3.3 Factors affecting students’ cooperative learning-5

4. Improving Students’ Cooperative Learning Through STAD-7

4.1 The definition of STAD-7

4.2 The preparation for STAD-7

4.3 Teaching process of STAD-8

5. Enlightenment to English teaching-11

5.1 Keeping a balance between groups-11

5.2 Regrouping to make more chances-12

5.3 Adapting proper teaching methods-12

5.4 Giving proper evaluation-12


Works Cited-14
