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This paper is based on the humanistic learning theory. It clarifies the concept and characteristics of autonomous learning, and analyzes the factors that influence students’ autonomous learning of English. It explores how to cultivate students’ autonomous learning ability from the perspective of teaching strategies. We hold that it is beneficial to cultivate students’ autonomous learning ability by developing students’ responsibility, enhancing the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, making good use of encouragement and evaluation, cultivating students’ learning motivation, developing students’ interests through entertaining activities and improving students’ self-efficacy.


Keywords: humanism; autonomous learning; teaching strategies





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Humanism-3

4. Autonomous Learning-4

4.1 Definition of autonomous learning-5

4.2 Characteristics of autonomous learning-5

4.3 Factors influencing students’ autonomous learning-5

5. Strategies for Developing Autonomous Learning-7

5.1 Developing students’ responsibility-7

5.2 Enhancing the harmonious relationship between teachers and students-8

5.3 Making good use of encouragement and evaluation-8

5.4 Cultivating students’ learning motivation-9

5.5 Developing students’ interests through entertaining activities-10

5.6 Improving students’ self-efficacy-11

6. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13
